Performance Analysis of Various Modulation Schemes for 5G Technology
OFDM, UFMC, FBMC, 5GAbstract
The upgrade to 4G was necessary due to the rapid growth of wireless applications. 5G had been launched with significant capacity, minimal latency, enhanced dependability, and higher quality of services (QoS). 4G Technology uses orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), a communication technique that effectively eliminates inter-symbol interference (ISI) and enhances the SNR, resulting in reliable long-distance communications. However, it suffers from a drawback of inefficient spectrum utilisation. However, the enhanced data rate can be achieved by utilising a spectrum. 5G implemented various strategies to optimise spectrum use in present situations. One of the newer types of waveforms includes the filtered-OFDM), universal filtered multicarrier (UFMC), as well as filter bank multicarrier (FBMC). The research study aims to conduct a comparative analysis of the recommended 5G modulation techniques, namely FBMC and UFMC, compared to OFDM, the modulation technology employed throughout 4G communications. We evaluate the essential characteristics of these modulation approaches to assess the advantages of every option. The evaluation encompasses the characteristics of Power Spectral Density (PSD), Bit Error Rate (BER), Spectral Efficiency (SE) and Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR). The research has been executed via MATLAB.
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