Wideband Rectangular Patch Antenna With DGS For X Band Applications
Wide bandwidth, Defective Ground, X band.Abstract
A Wideband rectangular patch antenna has been designed for the X band applications with an operating frequency range of 10GHz to 12.32GHz covering 2.32GHz of bandwidth. Ground has been etched with slots in a periodic manner which led for the generation of wideband bandwidth. Flame Retardant Glass epoxy is taken as substrate material which is having a thickness of 1.6mm and a 50Ω coax feed has been used to excite the antenna. Defective Ground structure technique has been implemented to attain the wide bandwidth of operation. The overall dimension of the antenna is 15mm×15mm×1.6mm. The Proposed antenna is having wide bandwidth covering the X band frequency range from 10GHz to 12.32GHz covering 2.32GHz of bandwidth with a return loss value less than -10dB for entire bandwidth. Commercially available 3D simulator Ansys HFSS software has been used to design the proposed antenna.